2009 m. gegužės 22–31 d.

Tarptautinio projekto iniciatoriai

ICCRS (International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services – pažodžiui „Tarptautinės katalikų charizminio atsinaujinimo tarnybos“) siekia koordinuoti ir skatinti patirties bei įžvalgų dalijimąsi tarp Katalikų charizminio atsinaujinimo dalyvių visame pasaulyje (JPII, 2000).

ICCRS – Romoje įsikūrusi Tarptautinė tarnyba, kurios tikslas „padėti ir skatinti katalikų atsinaujinimą Šventojoje Dvasioje“.

Atsinaujinimas Šventojoje Dvasioje (angliškai vad. Catholic Charismatic Renewal, itališkai – Rinovamento dello Spirito Santo) – „ yra Atsinaujinimo Šventojoje Dvasioje malonė, kuri Katalikų Bažnyčioje sutinkama visame pasaulyje ir turi daugybę skirtingų išraiškų. Šis Atsinaujinimas neturi vieno įkūrėjo ar įkūrėjų grupės, jame nėra griežtos narystės. Tai labiau malonės dvelksmas, kuris įgalina asmenis ir grupes reikštis įvairiais būdais, burtis į įvairias struktūras ir veiklas, dažnai nepriklausomas nuo viena kitos, skirtingos brandos ir su skirtingais akcentais. Tiesa, visi jie dalijasi viena pamatine patirtimi ir siekia tų pačių pagrindinių tikslų...“ (plg. ICCRS statuto preambulė).

ICCRS statutą Šventasis Sostas patvirtino 1993 m. Šiuo metu galiojanti statuto redakcija patvirtinta 2005 m. gegužės 9 d.

Ištraukos iš ICCRS statuto priedo
„ICCRS Policy and Identity“


  • CONVERSION, personal and ongoing, to our Lord Jesus Christ;
  • SANCTIFICATION through an openness to and receptivity of the Holy Spirit through the Baptism in the Holy Spirit;
  • EDIFICATION or the building up of the Church through the spiritual gifts or charismata;
  • EVANGELIZATION of the unchurched and nominal Catholics, as well as of culture and the structures of society;
  • INTEGRATION of the charismatic emphases and participation in the pastoral life of the Church.


  • An organization approved by the Holy See as a Private Association of the Faithful with a juridical personality.


  • Promotes the five central goals of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal all over the world.
  • Promotes unity among the varied realities and expressions (Individuals, Groups, Communities, Schools of Evangelization, Television nets, Association, Religious Institutes, Seminaries, Ecclesial Movements etc.) of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal as a center of communication, consultation, collaboration and coordination on the national and international levels with the Holy See.
  • Establishes dialogue and cordial relationships with other ecclesial movements and communities within the Catholic Church, and with other Ecclesial Communions and Christian Churches.


A Council and an international office were set up in 1978 under the auspices of Leon Joseph Cardinal Suenens, named by Pope Paul VI as his Episcopal Advisor to the Renewal on the international level. The Council was formed of leaders from around the world and the office was established first in Brussels and later in Rome. In 1978 the Council developed an international organization that was recognized by the Holy See.


  • ICCRS was granted juridical personality on 14th September 1993 by the Pontifical Council for the Laity (decree n. 1565/93/AIC-73).
  • Pope John Paul II recently re-affirmed this mandate: “The task of ICCRS is to coordinate and promote exchange of experiences and reflections among Catholic Charismatic communities throughout the world.” (Rimini, April 24, 2000)
  • Furthermore, the Holy Father states: “I am certain that for ecclesial awareness to mature in the different Charismatic communities throughout the world, ICCRS can have an important role.”
  • The ICCRS has been urged by Pope John Paul II to help move the CCR toward ecclesial maturity, characterized by holiness of life, by fidelity to the Church Magisterium, by loyalty and obedience to the Pastors, by active participation in the Church’s mission of evangelization and sanctification, and by the dynamic witnessing presence of its members in the world.


  • ICCRS seeks to serve through coordination, promotion, sharing of experiences, reflections and resources; through dialogue, fellowship, prayer, exhortation, and cooperation. ICCRS seeks not to govern, administer, or organize the CCR, but rather to serve in a fraternal spirit of fellowship.
  • ICCRS offers, but does not impose, its services to all who wants them and to all who describe themselves as being born of an experience of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
  • ICCRS is inclusive in its approach to any organizations, not exclusive.
  • Some groups do not wish to be identified with the CCR, even if they were born within the Catholic Charismatic Renewal and/or share the same specific grace of the same CCR which is the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and the practice of charisms and ministries of the Holy Spirit. ICCRS still hopes to have communion and communication with them.
  • Specifically, ICCRS seeks to relate to:
    – Dicastries of the Holy See and in particular to the Pontifical Council for the Laity
    – Vatican, via the Council for the Laity
    –Ecclesial Movements and Communities within the Catholic Church
    – Ecclesial Communions and Ecumenical bodies and organizations
    – National Service Committees (NSC’s), National Head Contacts, National Correspondents, NSC’s of various ethnic groups in the same country, Continental Councils
    – All the expressions and realities of the CCR
    – Individuals in the CCR
  • ICCRS will attempt to relate to individuals and groups in the following ways:
    – Through its members, ICCRS will create and maintain contacts and interact with these charismatic realities.
    – Through convening various gatherings, consultations, and events.
    – Through continental sub-committees


  • Offers teaching materials, books, newsletter and website
  • Conducts on-site training
  • Issues guidelines
  • Gives pastoral advice
  • Organizes conference, congresses, consultative assemblies, colloquia, spiritual retreats, pilgrimages for leaders
  • Distributes financial assistance for the development and promotion of the CCR, especially in the poorest regions in the world
  • Operates an office in the Vatican
  • Is present in all the continents through its representatives who hail from these continents.
© English resources: ICCRS
© LT: Atsinaujinimas Šventojoje Dvasioje, 2008–2009
© IT sprendimas ir dizainas: KIT, 2008–2009